Bicycle Accidents: Your Right to Ride in Maryland

Summer is right around the corner in Maryland and with the warm weather, we have seen an increase in the use of bicycles. Although cyclists and motor vehicles have the same right to use roadways, those on a bicycle are far more at risk of a serious injury should an accident occur. Often, operators of a vehicle have little respect for cyclists and fail to give them the same consideration they would give to another vehicle. Unfortunately, a driver’s negligence can lead to serious injuries or even death. Unsafe road conditions can also lead to significant harm for cyclists. Whether you ride a bicycle for leisure, exercise, or to commute, you need to understand your rights should an accident occur.

Holzman & Associates has experience representing victims of bicycle accidents and the specific knowledge needed to successfully litigate cases in the state of Maryland. If you or a loved one was injured due to the negligence of another while riding a bicycle, our attorneys will fight to ensure you receive the damages and compensation you and your family are owed.


Understanding Bike Rules in Maryland

In the state of Maryland, cyclists are required to follow many of the same traffic and safety laws as motor vehicles. These laws are designed to protect drivers and bicyclists alike and maintain safe roadways for all. The reality is, most drivers do not treat cyclists with the care and consideration of other vehicles, even though the consequences of an accident can be far greater.

A few specific laws apply to cyclists and understanding them can help protect you after an accident or prevent one from occurring. In the state of Maryland, cyclists:

  • Are prohibited from riding on sidewalks unless it is specifically allowed by local law
  • Must ride in the direction of traffic
  • Are required bike lanes when available and safe to do so
  • Must obey all traffic signs and signals
  • Cannot wear headphones or earbuds in both ears
  • Should use a light and safety reflectors when riding at night


What To Do in Case of an Accident

If you are involved in an accident while riding your bicycle, the number one priority is your safety. By following the steps below, you can ensure you are safe and also protect your rights should you pursue legal action:

  • Dial 911 to request police and medical assistance.
  • Wait in a safe area for emergency services to arrive.
  • If you can do so in a safe manner, leave your bicycle, and the accident scene, untouched. This will allow the police to file a more detailed accident report.
  • Work with the police to file an official accident report.
  • Collect the contact information of anyone involved in the accident, witnesses, and the police officer who responded to the call.
  • Take pictures of the scene if you can.
  • Do not make a statement to the driver or insurance company. Focus on collecting their information without speculating or offering explanations.


Common Types of Injuries

Injuries resulting from a bicycle accident vary from broken bones to sometimes death. Some of the most common injuries include:

  • Fractured bones, specifically collarbones, and hips
  • Cuts and abrasions requiring treatment
  • Traumatic brain injuries

Our team treats all injuries as serious ones and will stand by your side as you recover. Your primary focus should be on your health and recovery. Let us shoulder the legal burden of your case. We will utilize our experience and understanding of the specifics of your case to hold those responsible for your accident accountable.


Helmet Laws

In Maryland, cyclists under the age of 16 are required by law to wear helmets. While it is not required for adults to wear a helmet, it is strongly recommended—especially if you are riding on a busy road, at night, or in an area that can present dangerous riding conditions.


Types of Damages You Can Recover

A bicycle accident can leave you or a loved one facing a long road of recovery and potentially long-term injuries, or in the worst of circumstances, death. If you or a family member are a victim of a bicycle accident, you can recover damages for:

  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost past wages
  • Limited or lost future wages

You should not be responsible for your continuing medical costs, or other damages if you are injured due to someone else’s negligence.


Trust Us to Protect Your Rights

Holzman & Associates advocates for Maryland bicycle riders who have been hurt due to someone else’s fault. We will fight for you and your loved ones to ensure the negligent parties are held responsible. Our attorneys are here to guide you through this difficult time and provide you with exceptional legal counsel. Please contact us for a free initial consultation, during which we will discuss your claim, potential damages, and the best course of legal action. Please call 410-539-4222 or contact us online. We’re also able to meet clients in their home or the hospital to help alleviate your burden.


For more than 50 years, Holzman & Associates, LLC has obtained substantial verdicts and settlements for injury victims throughout Maryland. Ask around about us! 


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In a free initial consultation, we’ll go over the facts of your case and identify any parties that might be responsible for the injury. 


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